How to find brandable domain names easily?

Many domainers are in the business of registering or buying domain names in order to sell them on brandable domain markets. Using either method requires the identification of the best names from thousands or even hundreds of thousands of domain names – either randomly generated or expiring – which is kind of similar to trying to find a needle in a haystack.

To address this problem, we have developed an algorithm that ranks the domain names according to their brandability. Our algorithm only considers invented names and not keywords and .com domains only. The domain names are classified and scored according to their deviation from the ideal brandable domain names. Similarly to PageRank, the scores are logarithmized and scaled from 0 to 10. Because of its similarity to PageRank, we call it BrandRank as it describes the brandablity of a given domain name.

An online tool based on this algorithm was developed that can be used for free without registration. The tool calculates the BrandRank for each domain name and sorts the list based on BrandRank.

Of course, you should try it out and see the results yourself if you like it, but I do. A list of 8300 deleted .com domains were downloaded from and ranked according the domain names’ brandability (again: as invented words, not keywords). The calculation of BrandRank took less than a second and the 10 best domain names are shown (on the left) below as compared to randomly selected 10 domain names (on the right) from the same list. Looks good, doesn’t it?

Domain Name - top listBrandRankDomain Name - random listBrandRank

So, the tool is freely available without registration here, or is embedded below. Good luck!


  1. lekuss December 2, 2016
    • Zsolt Bikadi Zsolt Bikadi December 3, 2016