domain Archive
The number of domain investors and affiliate marketers there are around the world continues to increase year after year and with that, so does the number of conferences where these individuals can all meet up and discuss business. The beginning …
There are several reasons you should not want your personal information to be viewed by the public. You are probably one many who have changed the privacy settings of their Facebook account before while also ensuring the security settings on …
We’re now just over the 1-Month mark into the New Year and it’s business as usual around the domain industry. In fact, domain sales have started off really well this year with NameBio reporting a total of 10,404 sales. I’ll …
Anyone who tells you new gTLD domain names don’t sell if lying. Well, kind of at least. According to NameBio, there were 885 ngTLD domain sales in 2019 and while it’s true there weren’t nearly as many ngTLD domain sales …
Anyone wanting to become a domain investor should be educated and experienced in what makes one domain good versus another. You should understand what drives the value up in certain domains and what makes others seemingly worthless. The exact same …
If you’ve ever been sitting and waiting anxiously to view your college exam results, you’ve probably noticed that the university generally provides more than one link to view them. Theoretically, that should make you a little less nervous. The simple …
Subdomains can be very useful in terms of search engine optimization and centralized content management because they inform users on what to expect when visiting the website. However, there are some important tips you should keep in mind when creating …
Trademarking your brand name is an essential step to building any business. But, most business owners are not aware they can also trademark their domain name. Domain names make it possible for customers to find both your business and website, …
Did you know that it’s possible to change your websites domain name without losing any search engine traffic? Some people don’t believe it, but this is actually much easier to do than most webmasters out there might think. Just remember, …
Whether you plan to purchase an expired domain name for your PBN, parking, or to flip – Evaluating expired domains before purchasing is essential. At this day in age, most website owners prefer to find an expired domain over hand …