domain Archive
I often see forum posts from people bragging about new domains they’ve managed to register or drop catch after expiration. Why would anyone let their valuable domain expire? others would write. It’s a great question, and there are actually several …
After spending over a decade in the domain industry I’ve come to discover several different myths new investors are bound to hear and read throughout their adventures. Whether you’re just get into buying and selling domains or have already been …
Two common types of domains investors go for are exact match (those which match a product or service) and brandable (those which can be used for many different types of businesses). Most of the good domains that fit these two …
Like every other profession out there, people who buy and sell domains also have their own terminology for things. Some of it is pretty self-explanatory, but some of this terminology might make you completely stop and scratch your head for …
For most people the idea of domain investing sounds simple. They read a story about someone who registered a great domain ten years ago and then managed to sell it for a million dollars. Even the small wins sound great. …
Domainers with large portfolios renew hundreds and sometimes even thousands of domain names each year. The most successful domain investors are just like any other successful business owner out there. They take the time to determine new ways of cutting …
Four letter dot Com’s ( are some of the most liquid domain assets one can own. One could argue the only better liquid domains you could own would be LLL, NNN or LL names. What does liquid mean? Liquid assets …
In my previous blog post I discussed The Biggest Domain Sales in 2019. Today I want to go one step further with that discussion by focusing on the most successful domain marketplaces for sales in 2019. If you read my …
I was a bit curious what some of the highest selling domains have been thus far in 2019, so I decided to do a little bit of research on it. Thanks to the NameBio database, I was able to gather …
GoDaddy might be the most popular domain registrar in the industry, but I’ve found they often do shady things to their customers in order to try and increase profits. For example, the checkout process at GoDaddy is never as quick …