Domains Archive
I recently wrote an article about the different factors that impact domain parking click through rates. Today, I want to take that one step further and discuss some factors that might influence your decision on when to test them. Changes …
Whether you plan to purchase an expired domain name for your PBN, parking, or to flip – Evaluating expired domains before purchasing is essential. At this day in age, most website owners prefer to find an expired domain over hand …
I often see forum posts from people bragging about new domains they’ve managed to register or drop catch after expiration. Why would anyone let their valuable domain expire? others would write. It’s a great question, and there are actually several …
Two common types of domains investors go for are exact match (those which match a product or service) and brandable (those which can be used for many different types of businesses). Most of the good domains that fit these two …
Four letter dot Com’s ( are some of the most liquid domain assets one can own. One could argue the only better liquid domains you could own would be LLL, NNN or LL names. What does liquid mean? Liquid assets …
One sport I really enjoy watching on television is professional hockey. However, since I currently live in the United States and many hockey games are played in the country of Canada, I occasionally see television commercials targeted for Canadians. While …
Your domain is the core component of your online presence. It’s the address to a piece of online real estate that belongs only to you or your business. That means choosing the right domain name and registering it are essential …
This article is for anyone just entering the exciting world of domaining – Buying domain names and then reselling them for profit. Investing in domain names is a relatively simple concept, but there’s much more going on then many people …
In all the years I’ve invested in domain names there has always been one type of domain that was my favorite – domains! CVCV is actually an acronym for the term consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel. Basically, this type of term in the …
Selling real estate is a difficult task, and it makes no difference whether that real estate is up the street from your current home or somewhere on the internet. Some domain names are worth more than a house and when …